
The Revue des sciences de l’éducation exists since 1974. It was founded by the Francophone Association of Deans, Directors of Departments and Faculties of Education. Its aim is to support and stimulate the dissemination of research in the different disciplines of education, in particular in didactics, pedagogy, school administration, and measurement and evaluation. It is also important to note that over the years different paradigms present in the sciences of education have influenced the plurality of published articles. The methodological rigour of published research is an important criterion in the peer review process. However, no methodology is favoured over another. Thus, both the research conducted with qualitative data and research conducted with quantitative data are published in the Revue. Published in French and digital format, three issues are published each year in January, July and September. Although produced in Canada, authors from different countries regularly publish articles. Consequently, the Revue is an internationally recognized journal. Currently, the Revue is indexed in the Canadian Association of Scholarly Journals, Érudit, INIST, Persée and Repère.

The Revue des sciences de l’éducation is published only in French and digital format.

For an institutional subscription, contact the Érudit consortium at client@erudit.org.

For an individual subscription, contact the Revue‘s office directly at revsced@umontreal.ca or 514-343-7422.